Publications and Presentations
Jim Casey is the author of numerous publications in the field of professional regulation, administrative law and labour law. In addition to numerous articles, Jim is the author or co-author of 5 legal books:
“The Regulation of Professions in Canada”, James T. Casey, 1994 Thomson Canada, loose-leaf. This publication has become the leading text in this area of the law. The book has been cited in hundreds of tribunal and Court decisions including twice by the Supreme Court of Canada. The book is in a loose-leaf format with about 6 or 7 updates per year. Jim Casey updates the case law and text of the book twice a year. The book celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2024 and has built a very loyal following in the legal market.
“Remedies in Labour, Employment and Human Rights Law.” James Casey, founding editor and Ayla Akgungor, editor, 1999 Thomson Canada. Jim Casey is also a contributing author to the book. The concept for this book was to develop a publication to address a neglected area of jurisprudence- remedial issues in labour, employment and human rights. Jim Casey developed the concept for the book and managed the project. The book was published in a loose-leaf format and is updated several times a year. The book has been very successful and has been cited in many tribunal and Court decisions including the Supreme Court of Canada.
“A Guide to the Health Professions Act”, James T. Casey, 2002 Legal Education Society of Alberta. The Health Professions Act was a transformative piece of legislation in the regulation of professions in Alberta. This Guide was intended to be an important resource for professional regulators and lawyers working in the area as they navigated the new legislation. The Guide included: History of the HPA, the annotated HPA, Regulations and Bylaws, Responsibilities under the HPA, Restricted Activities, Flow Charts and Checklists, and Standard Forms.
“The Annotated Health Professions Act”, James T. Casey, K.C., , Katrina Haymond, Gregory Sim and Jason Kully, 2019 Thomson Reuters Canada Limited. This is a soft-cover, non-loose leaf book designed for regulators and legal counsel. The book was conceived by Jim Casey who managed the development of the book. The four co-authors were all members of Field Law’s Professional Regulatory Group. Given the large volume of case law since the introduction of the Health Professions Act almost 20 years ago, it was felt that the time was right for a new annotated product. Parts of the book include the History of the HPA, Annotations, Regulations, Restricted Activities, and Resource Material.
“The Law of Regulatory Investigations in Canada”, James T. Casey, K.C., Jason Kully, and Michelle Casey, 2023 LexisNexis. Most administrative law textbooks focus on the issues that arise during hearings when issues are being adjudicated. However, regulatory investigations are a much more prominent part of the regulatory machinery and give rise to complex and important legal issues. This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the legal issues that arise during regulatory investigations. The book is organised by issue taking a multi-disciplinary approach addressing case law in a wide range of regulatory contexts including: professional discipline, police discipline, securities, financial regulation, environmental, occupational health and safety, privacy, human rights and competition law. Chapters in the book are: Introduction; Jurisdiction and Statutory Compliance; Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms; Duty to Cooperate; Interim Orders; Investigative Powers; Confidentiality, Privacy and Privilege; Procedural Fairness and Reasonable Apprehension of Bias; Parallel Investigations and Proceedings; Delay in Administrative Proceedings; and Challenges to Investigative Decisions.
Selected Recent Presentations
November 18, 2024: Conference on Bargaining in the Broader Public Sector; panelist addressing "From Economic Realities to Bargaining Strategies"
June 13 and 14, 2024: Calgary Labour Arbitration and Policy Conference; member of the Advisory Committee; moderator for “Investigations under the Magnifying Glass”
June 4 and 5, 2024: Keynote Speaker at the Law Society of Alberta’s Bencher Retreat, “Professional Regulation, the Rule of Law, and Self-Governance"; panelist on “Regulatory Streams, Fitness to Practice, and Wellness”
November 27, 2023: “The Law of Regulatory Investigations”, LexisNexis Podcast, co-presented with Jason Kully and Michelle Casey
November 14, 2023: “The Evolution of Administrative Law Over the Past 35 Years”, Canadian Bar Association, Administrative Law Section for Northern Alberta
October 21, 2023: “The Adjudicative Mindset”, Certificate in Adjudication, York University
May 30, 2023: “Asset or Adversary? The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Labour Relations”; panel member; Lancaster House’s Labour Arbitration and Policy Grievance, Calgary, Alberta
May 24, 2023: “Credibility and Reliability: Assessing the Truthfulness of Competing Evidence”; co-presenter; Canadian Bar Association, Judges’ Section
May 26, 2022: “Assessing Credibility: More Art than Science”; co-presenter; Provincial Court Judges Association Spring Conference